
Have you carried out your Fire Prevention Obligations?

As part of our commitment to raise awareness of the quality and innovation of Fire Suppression Systems available in the UK market, MCL Fire are hosting a Fire Suppression seminar to be staged in Belfast’s iconic Crumlin Road Gaol on Thursday 30th May 2019.

It is estimated that fire damage costs £500,000,000 per year to businesses throughout the UK and of course no value can be put on human life, that is why this event will bring together industry leaders from the Insurance, Building Control, Architectural and Risk Assessment sectors in order to increase awareness & understanding of the most innovative products in the marketplace today whilst also facilitating networking to allow the sharing of best practice in these areas.

With guest speakers from global brands such as Tony Hanley the managing director of FirePro UK, Noel Doyle the Sales Manager for Kidde Fire Protection, Nigel Roddie the managing director of Flamefast and John Hunt the Ansul the local contact for all things Ansul Fire suppression related.

The day will include live demonstrations of the different systems and will include a Q&A session at the end of the day for attendees to ask any questions they may have.

As well as there being a sit down lunch on the day attending also goes towards informal CPD hours for all those attending.