
Have you carried out your Fire Prevention Obligations?

Drowning accidents are especially high in the summer months and over the last few years, we have heard of too many tragedies that could have been avoided.
Every year people drown both at home and on holiday because they don’t take simple precautions, so reaching people with water safety messages is vital. Below are some tips about staying safe while in the water.
  • Look out for lifeguards-If you’re looking for a place to cool off always find a lifeguarded swimming site.
  • It’s colder than it looks- Water at open water and inland sites is often much colder than it looks, cold water can affect your ability to swim and self-rescue.
  • Don’t go too far-Always swim parallel to the shore, that way you’re never too far away from it.
  • It’s stronger than it looks-Currents in the water can be very strong. If you find yourself caught in a riptide – don’t swim against it – you’ll tire yourself out. Swim with the current and call for help.

We also need to mindful of water when at the beach! Below are some tips on how to keep safe in the water while there

  1. When you have unpacked, visit the beach and look for yourself what the potential dangers are before going into the sea
    While at the beach, never let your young children out of your reach –supervision is the key to preventing serious accidents
  2. Always ask for local advice, for example from lifeguards, tourist information offices, local coastguard stations, or even local fishermen, on where and when it is not safe to stroll on the beach or enter the water
    Do not swim near or dive from rocks, piers, breakwater and coral
  3. Water safety signage can be very different in different countries, so find out what local warning flags and signs mean – and adhere to them
  4. Inflatable dinghies or lilos are a well-known hazard – there have been drownings as people on inflatables are blown out to sea and get into trouble. Do not use them in open water. Use them in sheltered and confined spaces, such as rock pools
  5. If you get stuck in quicksand or mud do not stand up. Lie down, spread your weight, shout for help and move slowly in a breaststroke action towards the shoree also need to be mindful while near water at the beach